Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Outbox: Brook's suggestion

From: Deena Markowitz
To: The Petrovskis

CC: Chelsea Haupenstaat; Brook Haupenstaat

Subject: Brook’s suggestion

Hi Mr. & Mrs. P,

C&I had a great time Friday night at the sleepover with Brook. We did a lot of the usual stuff—watched a romantic comedy, ate lots of unhealthy food and sat around talking for hours. We all spent Saturday pretty much asleep. So much fun!

There was something that Brook wanted to talk to us about, and C&I have been giving it some thought. Brook thinks we should register with the NSC. She had warned us before that she was going to give us a rundown on why the felt that way, and then at the sleepover she was about 2 steps away from putting on a powerpoint presentation to explain her reasons. (I think she has too much time on her hands since she lost her soul-sucking internship!)

Anyway, I guess what I’m trying to say is that Brook had really given this a lot of thought, and she had some good points. I should probably ask her to meet with you to explain all of them, because she has it clearer in her head than I do. The main thing though was that if anyone ever catches us doing any cool Waking Guard stuff, we could get arrested for unregistered use of powers (even if it’s something little like flying a kite on an unwindy day). And if that happened, not only would we be in serious trouble—but the story of how we learned everything we can do might come out, and that would be really bad. (Duh.)

I’m not sure if this idea is even on your radar screen. After all, you 2 became Waking Guardians like a million years ago, back b4 there were any other supers and nobody knew about any of this stuff at all. But now that the world is full of supers, we could get in serious serious trouble if we get caught—& people know how to look for rogue power usage these days.

We didn’t want to get you involved in this until after C&I had decided 1 way or the other. We’ve talked it over, & we’ve decided that we want to register.

Nothing bad can happen. Of course we have to get our story str8 about how we “discovered” our powers, & we’ll have to tell our parents. Then the NSC will make us come to a mandatory special session to make sure we’re safe to mix with the rest of the world (C&I have spent some time going over this stuff on their website). They’ll train us on how to use our powers, and even though they’ll probably teach us some things different than what you taught us, we can still probably learn useful stuff from them and get better at what we do from their training.

We still want to talk to you and get your OK, of course. We’ll need your help to make this work. But if C&I ever want to do our stuff in public, we’ve got to join the NSC.

Talk to you tomorrow,

