Monday, August 31, 2009

Inbox: Re: Last week

From: Chelsea Haupenstaat
To: Deena Markowitz
Subject: Re: Last week


i haven’t heard anything either. i’m trying to act normal. if we act like nothing happened when we’re out in public, no1 should b suspicious. so like, when school starts next week we’ll have to still be jerks to each other, for example, but how about we make up a code so we know we don’t really feel like that anymore, ok?

is that weird? i’m sorry—this is all driving me nuts. thanks for emailing. we do have to talk. yeah, and do other stuff…. all that stuff we did in the woods was so great! i hope it’ll be even halfway as, as WOW if we have to b quiet and tone it down.

mom just got back in town this afternoon. she was just @ grandad’s in ny for the past couple days so she’s not jetlagged. me, mom and brook always go out to this one steak place after mom gets home from a really long trip, so we’re doing that tonight. it’s like this big family tradition, so it would look suspicious if i tried to get out of it.

sorry, but tonight won’t work. how about tomorrow? mom’ll probably go into the office late, like 9 or 10, and brook’s going down to dinkytown to have lunch with a friend who’s just back from summer break. the house’ll b empty by 11. come at 11. i’ll leave the garage door open, so you can park inside.

will that work?

call me.


(Continue to dinner.)